Tuotteen nimi: Ms. Split uimapuku
Väri: Yksivärinen
Muotoilu: Epäsäännöllinen lapputyyli
Kategoria: Bikinit
Materiaali: Laadukas, nopeasti kuivuva kangas
Hoito-ohjeet: Käsinpesua suositellaan
Saatavilla olevat koot: Kokovalikoima sopii kaikille
STEP 1: Claim your refund
📧 Contact our customer service department at guest@lovemi.us to request a refund.
STEP 2: Register your return
🔗 You will immediately receive a link to register your return. Choose the carrier of your choice and send your package to the address provided.
STEP 3: Fast payback
💰 As soon as we receive your package in our warehouse, we will process your return and refund you promptly.
You can find additional information about ourReturn Policy HERE.